If you're reading this, then you have a
de facto knowledge of what a blog is. But there's so much more to the Internet and social networking than blogs. There's more to The Traveling Roths on the web than just www.travelingroths.com. There are other places to find and follow us. Places with more frequent updates, places where updates can be sent to your phone or instant messenger client, places for photos, places for videos, and places where you can leave your feedback and interact.
Here are a collection of those places where you will also find us.
Zooomr http://www.zooomr.com/people/TravelingRoths (pictures!)
Twitter http://twitter.com/travelingroths (mobilog with real time travel updates)
Pownce http://pownce.com/travelingroths (another mobilog with pictures and links)
FriendFeed http://friendfeed.com/travelingroths (all my feeds in one place)
Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/travelingroths/ (more pictures!)
GoogleTalk diamond dave roth [a t] gmail [dot] com (remove the spaces) (instant messenger)
And if you follow that Grand Central link over on the right, you can make a free call to us, wherever we are, using any ordinary telephone. How cool is that? One phone number, works wherever we are; home, work, or out-and-about.
So stay in touch, and be in touch. Let us know where we can find you.