A great weekend for Soccer. After an abscence of nearly a month, Zoe was back on the field, and helped her team to something like a 5-1 win over the Papa John's team, whose uniforms were very Italian, despite the fact that their pizza is not. Zoe insists she was playing with a hurt foot from an injury the week before.

The Strikers winning streak has come to an end. Bryce, their standout player, was sidelined with a basketball injury that required stitches in his knee. The over-zealous referees (who are anal about things like not wearing baseball cleats and not having even the tiniest bit of metal in a girl's hair band) wouldn't let him play. Since the Striker's whole playing style and strategy pretty much revolves around Bryce, they were out of luck. They lost 3-2 in the final seconds of the Friday game, and something like 5-1 in the Saturday game. They finished the season tied for 2nd place.
The post-season tournament starts Saturday, May 6th, and if Bryce can play again, look for an excellent showing by the Strikers.
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