For those of you looking for pictures from the class reunion this past weekend, here they are:
On Zooomr (my preference)
On Flickr
So far (as of 10/27 at 11 pm) I have the morning party shots processed and uploaded. I should have the evening party shots up probably tomorrow night. The night party shots are now also posted. For others with pictures hosted online, label them with the ojr88reunion tag. For other Zooomr users, that tag will add your photos to my reunion set automatically.
Now as a disclaimer: I may not have pictures of everybody, your name might be misspelled or missing altogether, and not all the photos I took are online. If anyone wants full resolution copies of any of these pictures, e-mail me at diamonddaveroth at gmail dot com, and I'll be happy to send them to you.
In a few days, I'll have more to say about the parties, if anyone wants to check back to see that. In the meantime, enjoy the photos. I definitely enjoyed taking them.
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