Anyway, I figured I needed something similar. For many years my de facto constantly photographed item was the red camera case that housed my Fuji DL-400. I'd take the camera out of the bag and toss it on the table, and then take the picture. So needless to say, we ended up with a lot of pictures of that camera bag all over the place.
But how clever is that? Who wants to see a camera bag all over the world? So after much contemplation, I thought I had it; Buddy Christ.

No, I didn't think Buddy Christ was sacreligious or discrespectful, but carrying a statue of a white version of Jesus seemed a little, I don't know, Catholic? Anyway, the only store around here that I knew carried them didn't have any. They had various interesting rubber ducks, but that seemed too derivative. Then after an exhaustive search, I found it.
Meet Bart Blue Bender

Actually, I think we'll just go with Bender. Look for Bender's first road trip in the days to come, as he and I are heading to Manhattan tomorrow morning. Since I'm taking the aforementioned Fuji DL-400 which captures its pictures on 35mm film, it could be quite a while before the trip's pictures make it to the web.
I'll give you some free advice: buy several bender's now. That way, when the first one gets worn out, lost, or abused as a dog/child toy, you can keep the dream alive
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