Xmas Letter 2008
Welcome to the 2008 equivalent to the Traveling Roths' Microsoft Word Update Letter. (thanks to Snide for the term). If you're following the link on the Christmas Card, and this is your first visit to travelingroths.com, welcome. We hope you'll check back regularly, and maybe even subscribe to the feed.
It's been a year for us, so we'll give you the summary in words and pictures. All pictures are hosted on Zooomr. Check out these and others there when you get the chance.
We traveled to Winterplace Ski Resort in West Virginia for our first ever family ski trip. Dave and the kids snowboarded, and everybody went tubing.
Zoe turns eight, gets her picture published in JPG Magazine, and enjoys her first solo Big Mac. We photowalk the UNC campus and 9th Street in Durham
Soccer resumes, spring arrives, and so does Easter.
Evidently nothing happened, but we took pictures of it anyway.
Pig Pickin 3: Triple Figures. This time with a whole slew of Roths from four different states.
Jennifer spends the better part of two weeks in Senegal, and the kids take their first solo flight to Chicago.

Jennifer receives her Masters degree, and we take our first whole-family international trip to Morocco
Vacationing with the Roths in Black Mountain, North Carolina, the Saias in Washington DC, and a beach weekend at Fort Macon State Park.
August was also back to school time; Fourth Grade for Tristan, and Third Grade for Zoe.
Fall Soccer for Tristan, Girls on the Run for Zoe, and the Ben Folds Five reunion concert for Dave and Jennifer.
Our eighth annual trip to the North Carolina State Fair for the family, a trip to Las Vegas and In-N-Out Burger for Dave, and the Owen J. Roberts Class of 1988 20th Reunion for Dave. Zoe also became Disaster Girl, a new internet meme.
Tristan turns 10, and Dave's truck turns over 300,000 miles.

Zoe, with her Girls on the Run group, runs her first 5K race; the third annual Reindeer Romp in Cary, NC with a time of ~35 minutes. She didn't even break a sweat. Tristan performs in Duke Chapel with the North Carolina Boys Choir in the training choir to an audience of several hundred people. Tristan and Zoe both perform solos in the church children's Christmas program, to much acclaim.
And in case we hadn't had enough excitement for the year, Tristan, executing a sweet move at recess of jumping from a picnic table to a tree manged to score a supracondylar fracture of his right humerus, as well as a fracture of his distal right radius, or in other words, he broke his arm in two places, but at least he made points with the ladies. He spent all day Friday the 19th in the University of North Carolina Emergency Department, followed by surgery that evening. What kind of surgery? Closed reduction with percutaneous pinning; two or three pins in his elbow and one in his wrist. After an overnight stay at UNC Childrens Hospital (big kudos), he came home to start his six weeks with a fully-wrapped arm and sling. He's been a real trooper through this whole thing, and hasn't needed any pain meds since he got out of surgery Friday night.
And that's the year in words and pictures.
Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus, Joyeaux Noel, Buon Natale, [Happy Birthday] and Happy New Year to all.
Stay tuned to this space next year to see where we go next.
The Roths: Dave, Jennifer, Tristan, and Zoe.
Mebane, North Carolina, USA
Tristan turns 10, and Dave's truck turns over 300,000 miles.
Zoe, with her Girls on the Run group, runs her first 5K race; the third annual Reindeer Romp in Cary, NC with a time of ~35 minutes. She didn't even break a sweat. Tristan performs in Duke Chapel with the North Carolina Boys Choir in the training choir to an audience of several hundred people. Tristan and Zoe both perform solos in the church children's Christmas program, to much acclaim.
And in case we hadn't had enough excitement for the year, Tristan, executing a sweet move at recess of jumping from a picnic table to a tree manged to score a supracondylar fracture of his right humerus, as well as a fracture of his distal right radius, or in other words, he broke his arm in two places, but at least he made points with the ladies. He spent all day Friday the 19th in the University of North Carolina Emergency Department, followed by surgery that evening. What kind of surgery? Closed reduction with percutaneous pinning; two or three pins in his elbow and one in his wrist. After an overnight stay at UNC Childrens Hospital (big kudos), he came home to start his six weeks with a fully-wrapped arm and sling. He's been a real trooper through this whole thing, and hasn't needed any pain meds since he got out of surgery Friday night.
And that's the year in words and pictures.
Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus, Joyeaux Noel, Buon Natale, [Happy Birthday] and Happy New Year to all.
Stay tuned to this space next year to see where we go next.
The Roths: Dave, Jennifer, Tristan, and Zoe.
Mebane, North Carolina, USA