The U8 THD Strikers met the Hot Shots for the first game of the season tonight.
The Strikers were looking pretty snazzy in their red, white, and black.
For the first time, and maybe the last time, Tristan (#99) and Zoe (#83) are playing on the same team.

It started off as a fairly evenly matched game, but the Strikers ended up losing by three goals. It was obvious that it's going to take a little while to figure out where everybody is best suited.
Here's a picture I just had to include because it looks like Tristan and Rico are beating each other up.

In reality, I don't know if they even made contact on this play, it may just look that way.
The Strikers play again Friday the 15th against the Hornets.
Aside: All these were taken with my DSC-H2 in "Sports" program. So far I'm really liking the 12x optical zoom, the fact that the autofocus seems to get it right more times than not, the metering seems spot-on, and the battery life from the two AA batteries has been pretty impressive. The viewfinder (EVF) is very clear too. I still feel like I'm learning the camera, but I'm very pleased with it so far.
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