If you've read any of my previous soccer posts from this season, you can probably see how this is going to end. Yup. The Strikers lost again, this time 6-2.
But with that being said, there was a noticeably improved level of play this week. So I am hopeful that the team will be able to win something this season.
Here's a near-goal shot by Tristan. It went wide to the right. Need to work on getting him to keep his toe down.

Here's Tristan taking control

And just a picture of Tristan, the sweaty athlete that he is

Zoë got her share of play too. Here she is keeping it away from a Martinho

And just Zoë, basking in the twilight sun, with fierce concentration.

In case you're wondering about the title of this post, there will be a Week 5B. Weather permitting, the Strikers verse the Dragons at 11:15

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