Sunday came, and with it the annual spring concert of the North Carolina Boys Choir at Duke Chapel on the campus of Duke University. This is one of two concerts a year that feature all three choirs; the Concert Choir (the main touring group), the Chamber Choir (tenors and basses), and the Training Choir, which is like the minor leagues for the Concert Choir. Tristan has been in the Training Choir since his successful audition last fall, and has been practicing about 90 minutes a week with the group in preparation for this concert as well as the Christmas concert back in December.
All the choirs did an amazing job. They are very professional and well-rehearsed, and not hindering their performance is the fact that Duke Chapel is an incredible live space for performance. The choir(s), combined with the tremendous pipe organ in the Chapel put out sound and power that I can't even describe. It was simply amazing. I literally had goosebumps, and highly recommend the NCBC concerts there if you ever get the chance to attend.
Tristan did an excellent job himself. Not only was his singing spot-on (which I wasn't worried about) but he also seemed to take his lessons in stagecraft and performance seriously. He kept his eyes on the director, hands behind him, didn't fidget or look around, and sung with a lot of heart. We, along with Jeff and Katie Smith, and Jeff Overstreet from church could not have been more pleased with his performance.
Then Monday came, and with it a letter in the mail from the NCBC:
"Dear Tristan,
I am so pleased to write this letter to you extending an invitation to become a part of the outstanding Concert Choir. . ."
Tristan got promoted! This is a huge honor and we are all very excited for him.
So what does being in the Concert Choir mean? First, he'll start the year-long season by attending camp in July. Once school starts, rehearsals are twice a week for two hours each. Concerts run nearly every weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as the big Christmas Concert in Duke Chapel (make your plans now --we have 10 tickets to sell.) There'll be a mini-tour in May, followed by a "major" (7-10 day) tour in June. In addition to that, there may be other concerts and the occasional wedding or funeral.
Tristan is very excited, and we're very proud and wonder where he got his singing skills from. . .
Congrats T! We're very excited for you.
What fabulous news!!! Congratulations, Tristan! We look forward to finding out your concert/touring schedule so we can be sure to hear you sing next year!
Tristan - good job. Will I see you some day on American Idol?
Contgratulations. You have a great set of pipes and are learning how to use them correctly. If you're ever here on a Tuesday night I'll take you along to "The Barbershop Chorus" if you'd like to go. Our music is a lot easier than the scores you sing from.
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